Boil water order lifted in Blackfoot

The boil order in Blackfoot has been lifted after all tests came back negative Thursday afternoon.

City officials say that if residents have any concerns about their water to run a faucet for 10 to15 minutes to purge the water in the house lines. reports the boil order was issued last Friday after a routine water sample came back positive for E. coli.

Crews spent the week flushing hydrants and have been injecting chlorine into the water system.


Chris Janson VIP Pre-Party!

Join us Monday, August 22nd at the Western Idaho Fair for Chris Janson! Make sure you get there early because we’ll have a special Pre-Party for the first 75 people at the gate at 5pm catered by Costa Vida, plus your chance to upgrade your seats and win prizes from your favorite Kissin Country Artists!