Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission stops selling Russian made spirits

There is one more way to fight against Russia, without picking up a weapon… It’s by not purchasing products made in Russia.

The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission has directed the state’s locally-owned stores to stop selling all Russian-manufactured distilled spirits.

The move is a direct result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The OLCC said bottles already in stock will sequestered in a warehouse. The state said shoppers can still find other brands of vodka and spirits, including those with Russian names, but none that come from distilleries located in Russia.


Chris Janson VIP Pre-Party!

Join us Monday, August 22nd at the Western Idaho Fair for Chris Janson! Make sure you get there early because we’ll have a special Pre-Party for the first 75 people at the gate at 5pm catered by Costa Vida, plus your chance to upgrade your seats and win prizes from your favorite Kissin Country Artists!