Idaho hunter shoots Grizzly Bear in self defense

Hunters shot and killed a grizzly bear earlier this month in self-defense.

Fish and Game say the hunters were pursuing black bears in the Ruby Creek area southwest of Bonners Ferry.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game report the hunters shot a black bear and were retrieving it when a grizzly came out of the brush nearby.

The hunters reportedly tried to scare the Grizzly away, but it continued approaching them. One of the hunters then shot the bear at close range, killing it.

Afterward, one of the hunters report the incident and the ensuing Fish and Game investigation found the hunters acted in self-defense.

Grizzly bears are protected under the Endangered Species Act, and it’s illegal to kill them unless doing so in self-defense.


Chris Janson VIP Pre-Party!

Join us Monday, August 22nd at the Western Idaho Fair for Chris Janson! Make sure you get there early because we’ll have a special Pre-Party for the first 75 people at the gate at 5pm catered by Costa Vida, plus your chance to upgrade your seats and win prizes from your favorite Kissin Country Artists!