At some point, there will be a biopic or musical (or combination of the two) of Dolly Parton’s life. In fact, she was working on a Broadway musical before the pandemic hit according to the New York Post.
With the extra time to think about all the details, Dolly has made some changes. She now wants to do a feature, most likely a musical, about her life rather than hit the stage herself. And, she already knows who she wants to play her—Kristen Chenoweth.
She said the actress/Broadway star was “just absolutely fantastic.” Although, she left the door open for other actresses, saying that since her career has spanned such a long time, she would most likely need a young Dolly, middle Dolly and an older Dolly.
Jay Leno, while filling in for Kelly Clarkson, asked if Chenoweth would be open to the part. She said, “Well, I want to. I’m lacking a couple things — and I think we both know what they are.”