Kenny Chesney’s Music Video for “Knowing You” is Based Around Water, A Memory, and a Great Song

Kenny Chesney’s Music Video for “Knowing You” is Based Around Water, A Memory, and a Great Song

Kenny Chesney has released the music video for his new single, “Knowing You.”

Talking about the video, Kenny says that he is very proud of the video. and it was a blast to make…

Kenny says, “One of the things about this video I love is the way you can feel the settings, and each location – whether in Gloucester, Mass. or the Virgin Islands — was selected because it feels the way these emotions actually feel. As I’ve said, over and over lately, the people who come into your life and then are gone, it’s for any number of reasons. But beyond missing them, you have the opportunity to recognize what they brought to your life and be thankful.”

He also adds, “With all the visual ways people get information, it felt like this was a nice way to give people a taste of what’s to come… to let them see and feel everything this song holds, so that they could tell this song and this video is something more.”

Check out Kenny Chesney’s music video for “Knowing You” right here…


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