Adopt a Family

Adopt a Family Go Fund Me

Cory and Jeni will be On Site Each Morning 6:00 – 10:00 AM

Thursday – September 1,Walmart, 5875 East Franklin Rd., Nampa
Thursday Family Needs

Friday – Sept. 2, Walmart, 4051 E. Fairview Ave. Meridian

Friday Family Needs

Most commonly needed items are: non-perishable
food, including flour, sugar, rice, pasta, canned meats, vegetables, fruits,
juices, fresh food that keeps well including potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples,
oranges, etc. We do have the ability to take food that needs to be kept
refrigerated or frozen, however we appreciate being notified before it is
dropped off whenever possible. Food for a Thanksgiving Dinner would also be

Other most needed items include:
supplies including soap, spray cleaners, cleaner, dish soap, laundry detergent,
shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, tooth paste and tooth brushes, hair brushes and
combs, body lotions and creams, make up, etc.

The Beginning: 
the Summer of 2002  Cory Mikhals moved to Boise Idaho as the morning show Host
for 97.9 KQFC.  Cory was immediately impressed by the community involvement of
his listeners.  Within a few months he realized they would appreciate an
opportunity to help  families at the holidays whose lives had been turned upside
down by crisis. He knew that 
a Family Week
be welcomed and supported by his listeners.  In 1997  Karen Jeffries told Cory
about a family who needed everything, household items,  furniture,  bedding,
everything we use everyday.  They had five children including one who was
terminally ill, and they all needed winter clothing and every parent wants
their children to have Christmas gifts.  Items didn’t need to be new, gently
used items would be great.  Cory agreed that his listeners would like to be able
to help. They added two more families, each nominated by a school or health
services agency.  Each agency would spread   donations not needed by the on air
families to other families. The listeners as a group would Adopt A Family each
day. The next year they chose five families and had 
A Family Week.

The Growth in Idaho:  
2002, The first Adopt a Family Week in Idaho, the community outpouring far
exceded expectations.   One family got a new heating system for their home, two
had major repairs done on their cars and one father even got a job.  Over 100
families were helped.  Adopt a Family Week quickly became an Idaho tradition.
Listeners call every year to find out which week will be 
a Family Week

Our New Radio Home: KIZN 92.3 FM
the Adopt A Family program when Cory joined their staff in early 2014.  It makes
a great companion program to the 
92.3 Keep Kids Warm program that started in 1996 and is just as important in
this nineteenth year as when it began.

Our Partners: 
for their second year
 Walmart  is
once again our site sponsor.  In addition to providing our live locations, they
helped us spread the word to their customers and employees who donated
generously.  Every year since 2002 
Age Movers
been on site every morning to collect the donations. This year 
donating space to store the donations until they go to the families who come
from programs of the 
Luke’s Health System
. Our families are brought to us
by their case managers from various programs including the 
Intensive Care Unit
, Pediatrics,
Pediatric Intensive Care  Unit, and the  Children’s Specialty Center. 



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